The 6 Pillars Propping the Fullness of Your Glory – Part 4

The 6 Pillars of The Fullness of Your Glory – Part 3
August 5, 2019
The 6 Pillars Propping the Fullness of Your Glory – Part 5
August 7, 2019

The 6 Pillars Propping the Fullness of Your Glory – Part 4


waking day, I have started to realize just how much I take life for granted. After starting to think, meditate and write about the subject of living the fullness of our glory, I am forced to look at life at a totally different perspective.

Do you know what I realize? I realize that for the most part, we live routine lives. Each waking day is probably the same as the previous one. Each month is probably the same as the one that has just passed. If we are not careful, each year ends and there is no trace of the fullness of our glory in our lives.

The World Awaits

There is something though that can give you an indication that you are on the right track, even if you are living a routine life. I will come back to that shortly, but let us do a little recap.

To live the fullness of our glory I believe is the greatest reason for our existence. The world is waiting to see the best light shining out of our lives. In the Bible, a verse of scripture says:

For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly awaits the unveiling of the sons of God. Romans 8:19

The Reason To Live

Now think about that! To put it plainly, we need to come alive to the fullness of our magnificence here on earth. I mean, why should we be alive anyway? Why should we spend ten or so decades alive and just expire and be forgotten like they would forget a mosquito?

It doesn’t make sense to live a life without the fullness of our glory as humans. But you see it is possible to live our lives in such a routine manner that the meaning of it all is sapped out of our lives without knowing. It is easy to get caught up in culture either of survival or just wanting to “make it.”



I acknowledge that life has its phases, and it has its seasons. However, we ought to outgrow such seasons as we seek to unleash the fullness of our glory. In recent articles, we have been discussing the six pillars of living the fullness of our glory. Here is a recap:

The First Pillar

It is about uniqueness. Each person has their own unique responsibility to shine their own light on the face of the earth. Each time we dim our lights by veering off the course of the fullness of our glory, we are doing a great disservice to creation. Sadly we seldom lift our heads from the pursuits of life to realize this great omission. You can read about that here.

The Second Pillar

This is about Usefulness. This is to say that you cannot live to deploy the fullness of your glory if there is no component of your impact in society. We were not created to come and fend for ourselves. We were primarily created to be solution providers to others.

The Third Pillar

This is about our ultimate fulfilment. As we keep doing life, we shall either be fulfilled at the moment or be fulfilled at the end of our time on earth. The measure of the fullness of our glory is when we have fulfilled both ways. Fulfilment is not the same as enjoyment and comfort. Jesus on the cross is a picture of fulfillment, especially when he cries out “It is finished”.

The Fourth Pillar: Unction-The Earnestness in our hearts

The engine of every life is unction. Unction is the earnestness of the passion or the noble spiritual force that connects us to something that matters to us. You see the earnestness in many world changers. You see lots of passion on the faces of people that are living the fullness of their glory.

The engine of every life is unction. Unction is the earnestness of the passion or the noble spiritual force that connects us to something that matters to us. ~ Lawrence Namale #Passio #Purpose Share on X

Howard Thurman said,

“Dot not ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive”.

You know, I couldn’t agree more! “Coming alive” is normally an inside-out job. It is a function of accessing our hearts and finding what we are passionate about.

It’s Unique

In the very first pillar, we talked about uniqueness. Each person has their own assignment on earth. Once they fulfil their assignment, they end up contributing to the overall picture of life. We are all connected. Whenever each person has an assignment as they deploy their fullness, they also do have passion.

Once again, we have to clarify that unction or passion is not something that is hereditary. It is something that is personal and available in each individual according to the measure of their uniqueness and their purpose on earth.

Passion is Self-less

It is true that we can have different types of passion. When we are talking about the fullness of our glory though, we ought to realize the passion we exude is not selfish. It is probably OK for me to be passionate about a football team. But at the end of the day, what contribution is that passion on the face of the earth? Of what value or of what benefit is that passion?

The passion I am talking about is unique because it is connected to your calling. It is connected to your ultimate gift on the face of the earth. It is the fuel that makes the fullness of your glory come to the fore. Without this passion or this unction, life is not necessarily the same.

The Nervous System of Your calling

I find it hard to believe that you are able to come to the fullness of your glory without in some way banking on your passion. Unction is what will compel you to keep going even when in reality things are all against you. Unction is what will tell you that what you are doing is what matters no matter what feedback you receive.

  • It is that unction that made Martin Luther King Jnr do what he did best.
  • It is that passion that made Jesus Christ do what he did.
  • In fact, the word passion is famously linked to Jesus Christ, when we talk about “The passion of the Christ”.

Look Inside

Passion is love beyond yourself. It is the internal force inside of you that embraces the benefits that others receive from your commitment and cause. It is the driver of every high achiever. If you wanted to deploy the fullness of your glory, you will need to be passionate.

How can you find your passion? Look inside. Things that irk you are connected to your passion. Things that leave you fulfilled are connected to your passion. The worst you can do is to ignore your passion and pursue other things.