The 6 Pillars of The Fullness of Your Glory – Part 1

59. How To Develop Mental Toughness – Part 2
July 29, 2019
The 6 Pillars of The Fullness of Your Glory – Part 2
August 2, 2019

The 6 Pillars of The Fullness of Your Glory – Part 1


is not necessarily about performance. Rather, it is about “being” that is the foundation of the performance. Let me explain. The fullness of your glory is seldom about the things that you have done as it is about who you fully are.

I know I am going ahead of myself but let me say this: It is possible that you can do great things but at the end of the day, they won’t count for the fullness of your glory. You will know it, the devil will know it and God will know it.

It is possible that you can do great things but at the end of the day, they won’t count for the fullness of your glory. You will know it, the devil will know it and God will know it. Share on X

We are the splendour of creation

It, therefore, follows that we ought to give priority to where it is due. The fullness of your glory is something that is predetermined. It is something that his the delight of your Creator. Any person that spends time and effort to bring something into existence derives lots of pleasure with the ultimate performance of his or her creation.

Here is the thing though: You and I are the icings on the cake of creation. Ought we to be more glorious in our essence, in our pursuits and in the impact that we leave on the face of the earth? I think that our greatest pursuit in life ought to be to see the fullness of our glory come to the fore.

You and I are the icings on the cake of creation. Ought we to be more glorious in our essence, in our pursuits and in the impact that we leave on the face of the earth? Share on X

The Pillars of the Fullness of our Glory

In order to understand the fullness of our glory, I perceive it is important for us to dissect it further. What a better way to do that than to discuss what I consider to be the major pillars of the fullness of any one’s glory.

  1. Uniqueness: The Fullness of Our Glory Varies from Person to person

Where does this come from? It comes from the essence of there being One original Creator. That will feed into the idea that the One Creator has one purpose for His creation. That singular purpose cannot be fulfilled by each creature separately.

The singular purpose is fulfilled when each individual deploys the fullness of their glory. The signature of the Creator is no doubt characterized by splendour and magnificence. This is so because the Creator in His wisdom decided to work with variety, which is another mark of the magnificence of His.

The case for Variety

In other words, the fullness of glory is provided for in each part of the myriads of varieties in creation. For us humans, each individual contributes to the fullness of what the Creator intended by deploying the fullness of our own glory.

Anything short of that affects in some way, the overall picture. That is why it is important for us to celebrate our own individuality and uniqueness. Interestingly, every time we copy someone, it is because they have appeared in glory, at least in our eyes.

Interestingly, every time we copy someone, it is because they have appeared in glory, at least in our eyes. ~ Lawrence Namale #Purpose Share on X

You don’t copy Drab

People do not go around aping anything that is drab. They make fun of it and laugh at it, but when something appears in the fullness of its glory, people want to identify with it. What we fail to see in the process is that each person has the unique ability and capacity to shine their own fullness of their glory on earth.

The fullness of our glory varies from one person to the next. It is never going to be the same. In fact, it was never intended to be the same. For us to make that distinction is of vital importance. We have to, first of all, come to the realization that there is no human being in existence who is just a freeloader.

The fullness of our glory varies from one person to the next. It is never going to be the same. In fact, it was never intended to be the same. ~ Lawrence Namale #Purpose Share on X

Everyone is Important

There is no human being in existence from the get-go who came here on earth and the Creator never intended for them to have the utmost fullness of the glory of their existence. None. If there were such a one, it would immediately invalidate the concept of a Creator right there and then.

There is no human being in existence from the get-go who came here on earth and the Creator never intended for them to have the utmost fullness of the glory of their existence. None. ~ Lawrence Namale #Purpose Share on X

Evidence is all around

I mean, look at it from a purely human perspective. What innovator, inventor, artist, or human creator of anything ever came up with something that would be useless and worth of zero attention? All humans who make things want those things to shine in glory. It goes without saying.

The same applies to your Creator and yourself. You are created to shine the fullness of your glory on the face of the earth. I believe with all of my heart that that is the core reason for your existence here. I do not believe that we exist to “survive” and just to “make it” in life.

You are created to shine the fullness of your glory on the face of the earth. I believe with all of my heart that that is the core reason for your existence here. ~ Lawrence Namale #Purpose Share on X

The Fullness of our glory: That’s the point of life

I do not believe that our existence on earth is pitiful, fateful and on the whim of one who is keen to punish us. The evidence is even in our own biological makeup. Look at the magnificence of our eyes for example.

Look at the wonder of our nervous system. Look at the brilliance of the blood circulatory system. Look at the way our brains are wired. At the very evidence of these “basic” ingredients of our make-up, there is no doubt that we are creatures of splendour.

Now, we cannot be composed of splendour just for fun. The very fact that we are intricately and masterfully glorious is a hint that the lives that we are to live ought to be to the fullness of the glory of our brilliance.

There it is

Like I said earlier, the icing on the cake is that each of us is a unique, magnificent being. We are here to serve the general purpose of the Creator. The only way we can do that is to recognize the fact that we are called to live to the very fullness of our splendour. Each individual life. You cannot convince me otherwise.

We shall continue with these thoughts in the next article.