The 6 Pillars of The Fullness of Your Glory – Part 2

The 6 Pillars of The Fullness of Your Glory – Part 1
July 31, 2019
60. How To Develop Mental Toughness – Part 3
August 2, 2019

The 6 Pillars of The Fullness of Your Glory – Part 2


we build stories in the form of movies, a large percentage of our creation is always based on superheroes. In recent decades though, we have started celebrating the average human in their daily heroic works. We have learnt that the fullness of the glory of a human is not a reserve of a few gifted superheroes. And that’s why true-life stories are a pleasure to watch.

There can be no higher calling for a human other than to “come alive” and display their total magnificence.

The Reason For Our Existence

I will keep flogging this message even if it sounds like I am flogging a dead horse: The ultimate purpose of the existence of the human is so as we can deploy the fullness of our glory on earth.

Even if we disagreed on how we ended up here on earth, the greatest reason for our existence cannot be anything short of living the fullness of our splendour. There can be no higher calling for a human other than to “come alive” and display their total magnificence.

The ultimate purpose of the existence of the human is so as we can deploy the fullness of our glory on earth. ~ Lawrence Namale #Purpose Share on X

The Daily Fight

Each waking day we are either fighting the law of entropy that will keep us deteriorating or we are infused with the inspiration of our pursuits that will lead us into the fullness of our glory. Believe me, the potential is already there. Deploying the fullness of our glory is a process, not an event.

I believe there are at least six pillars upon which the fullness of our glory stands to be supported. In the previous article, we already looked at the first pillar at length. Here is the recap:

The First Pillar: Uniqueness

The first pillar of the fullness of our glory is our uniqueness. Everyone has the seeds of the fullness of their own glory locked up inside of them. That is why it is foolhardy for us to copy and paste each other’s perceived glory. When we do that, we are effectively neglecting ours.

The interesting thing though is that we do not copy anything that is drab. For the most part, we copy that which we feel has captivated us or has elevated someone to the fullness of their splendour and glory. That just goes a long way to tell us that the fullness of our glory is what we are looking for in life.


We saw also that at the end of the day, your ultimate fulfilment in life will be in direct proportion to how you released the fullness of your glory on the earth. Fulfilment is not a measure of acquisition, it is a measure of deployment of your full glory. If you didn’t deploy it, no matter how much you acquired, you will still be unfulfilled.

The Second Pillar: Usefulness- It has to be worthwhile to others.

The fullness of your glory stands on another pillar of utility and impact to other people. In other words, the fullness of your glory will, for the most part, be revealed when it touches other people and changes them.

This is the most interesting part of your glory. It is not for your consumption. In fact, you are not supposed to be the primary consumer of your glory. The moment you become the consumer of your glory, you have nipped it in the bud and its meaning is wasted.

The fullness of your glory will, for the most part, be revealed when it touches other people and changes them. ~ Lawrence Namale #Purpose Share on X

Rising Above Selfishness

We live in a world that is hell-bent on selfishness, individualism and liberalism that is directed towards feeding the ego. People want to do that which they like because it makes them feel good, feel free and feel liberated.

Increasingly, the glory of the human race is waning away with each succeeding decade because of this approach to life. However, when we change our perception of life and start looking at life in terms of what blessing we can add to it, we start seeing the fullness of our glory coming to the fore.

Entitlement Robs us of our Glory

Gradually, we are seeing a human race that is becoming overly entitled. Entitlement effectively puts the responsibility of making things happen to you on another person. In so doing, you are robbed of the power of your glory.

I am in no way negating the fact that there has to be a law of compensation, the law of sowing and reaping, seedtime and harvest. Those laws though are totally different from the pursuit of entitlement. A case in point is a graduate coming out of university thinking that the world owes them a job and they are entitled.

An Entitled Graduate risks losing their glory

What happens in that school of thought is interesting. First, this graduate is unknowingly selfish. Largely, they want a job so that they can improve their own status of living. For the most part, that is a sad story. I think vocation ought to be a conduit through which we deploy the fullness of our glory as humans and not a means of survival.

I think vocation ought to be a conduit through which we deploy the fullness of our glory as humans, and not a means of survival ~ Lawence Namale #Purpose Share on X

Candles unlit

Secondly, the same graduate forms a mentality that does not look at their glory in offering solutions on the face of the earth. That is why at the moment, we have very many gifted, talented, strong and able-bodied men and women living way outside of their glory because of this outlook in life.


However, once we come to realize that the fullness of our glory is standing on the pillar of usefulness, we start seeing that we have a massive responsibility here on earth. We have a responsibility to work and deploy our gifts, talents, skills and education.

We realize that we have a responsibility in our family, community, or even country. We realize that we have a massive responsibility with causes, projects and pursuits that are close to our hearts—things that we are passionate about. We learn to start balancing between eking out a living and pursuing to deploy the fullness of our glory as we go along.

How Can We be Useful?

The purpose of the fullness of your glory is to be useful, to be effective, to impact and to influence lives. If this component is not included in our lives, we shall end up having a meaningless existence, regardless of what we feel we did for ourselves.

There are at least five ways we can have an impact on the face of the earth.

  1. As motivation:

    We drive agenda stemming from what matters to us. We rally people and join hands to make things happen.

  2. As an inspiration:

    This is when the fullness of our glory shines, and the people that see it, especially those who know our back story, that we are mere mortals, get challenged to display their glory too.

  3. As practical help:

    This is where we use our resources, our substances, our monies, our skills and talents to help meet a practical need on a consistent basis.

  4. As a solution to a problem:

    This is where we dedicate our lives to solve a systemic problem. We use our passion, our ability and our networks to do so.

  5. As an invention:

    This is not necessarily done in moments of trouble. It can be done in moments of peace where you prick the consciousness of people who were hitherto comfortable with their lives. All of a sudden they realize that they could not do without your invention.

My question to us today is this: How are we useful on earth?