The Most Powerful Question Everyone Must Answer

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The Most Powerful Question Everyone Must Answer

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

—Gil Bailie 


have a feeling that if we ask this question long enough, the answers that we would get would be revolutionary. This question applies to everyone: the young and old, from every race, tongue and tribe, yellow, red black or white. It is the most powerful question any human being can ever pause to oneself.

The only time we stop the traffic to ponder of questions of this ilk is when life has forced us to stop. It is during the times of a crisis that we start to ask these important questions.

Lawrence Namale

But do we ask ourselves hard questions enough? At times we just go through the motions of life. The only time we stop the traffic to ponder of questions of this ilk is when life has forced us to stop. It is during the times of a crisis that we start to ask these important questions. I have however noted that [ictt-tweet-inline]the greatest of us all is the one who does not wait for a crisis to come in order to be reflective.[/ictt-tweet-inline]

Heroes and Villains

Since time immemorial, societies have always esteemed the storylines of heroes decimating villains and saving innocents. In movies, the greatest stories told of the greatest movies watched are those that never miss the villain versus the hero storyline. We all know how it ends

Naturally, the biggest dream of a lady is to be ‘rescued’ by a majestic knight in shining armor. This has never changed even though we pride ourselves in democracies that have killed the notion of knights in shining armor.

It Comes Naturally

But what doe movies and knights have to do with the greatest question that we all must answer? I believe that each person has a natural instinct to be valuable. I have gone to the extent of saying that even the madman out there in the streets has something in them that is crying out to be of value to society. We all inherently want to live significant lives.

That is why some people choose to have a hero mentality. They find something that they can fight…and when the fight is over, their relevance dwindles. I have watched with intrigue human rights activists in my own country Kenya clamoring for democracy. Once we attained a semblance of the same, the relevance of these people (some whom joined the Government) waned. They became confused…but I digress.

The Greatest Question

I think this is the greatest question you ought to ask yourself:

[ictt-tweet-inline] “Whom was I born to deliver?” [/ictt-tweet-inline]

“I am convinced that every man born of a woman is a deliverer for someone else. I believe that our very existence is in order to live the answer to this powerful question”.

Lawrence Namale

Pause for a moment and look at that question. Do you think it is a valid question for you to ask? This question all of a sudden puts serious responsibility on you. It forces you to start thinking about your very existence, the importance of it. [ictt-tweet-inline]I am convinced that every man born of a woman is a deliverer for someone else[/ictt-tweet-inline]. I believe that our very existence is in order to live the answer to this powerful question.

Related Question: Who is my Villain?

Of course this question can best be answered by other questions. If you are a deliverer, then of course there must be a villain that you are fighting. For Abraham Lincoln, the villain was slavery. For Nelson Mandela, the villain was racial segregation. For Jesus Christ, the villain was the devil. For Lawrence Namale, the villain is hopelessness, visionless-ness and purposelessness.

A Villain is something or someone that evokes great anger in you proportionate to the love you have for those you have been sent to deliver. In other words, a deliverer is of necessity strong and ruthless with the villain as he is kind, tender and loving to those she is sent to deliver.

So when you have an answer to the first two questions, there is one more question that you will need to answer:

“What is my toolbox as the deliverer of my people?”

For Abraham Lincoln, it was the civil war and the change of the constitution. For Jesus Christ, it was and still is love and the institution of the Church. For civil rights activists, it has been civil disobedience, strikes, and demonstrations and so on. For Lawrence, it is writing (Books, articles, papers), Coaching, Speaking and building Educational Institutions with a difference. For other people it is simply their natural gifts and talents. For others, it is the skillset that they have built either from school or intentionally.

The Three Most Powerful Questions

You can see that everyone has a chance to answer these three questions:

  • Whom was I born to deliver?
  • Who is my villain?
  • What is in my toolbox?

Never the same again

Once you get answers to these questions, you suddenly realize that there will be a price to pay. You can no longer be comfortable with the way you have either lived or just existed. You can no longer settle. You become pregnant and must carry that ‘pregnancy’ full term. You now realize that your language changes from ‘ought to’ to ‘have to’

  • You will have to grow
  • You will have to get a mentor
  • You will have to read, research and gather information
  • You will have to be strategic and an ardent planner
  • You will have to be focused.
  • You will have to be sharp and become a master of your craft
  • You will have to fight, deliverance doesn’t come cheap
  • You will have to be misunderstood
  • You will have to be rejected and ridiculed
  • They will try to suppress you, because they are scared of you

But like I said some time back, they will not prevail. You will. Nobody who lives fulfilling his mantle as a deliver will ever die prematurely. His purpose shall prevail against all the odds that he will face. You my friend are a deliverer. So let’s now find out who you are sent to deliver, who your villain is and what is in your toolbox. Care to share in the comments section?