So What is Life Purpose? Does Everyone Have it?

The 5 Kickstart Steps for a Productive Life
September 4, 2015
9 Powerful Thoughts on ‘How to be Irreplaceable’ [Part 1]
September 22, 2015

So What is Life Purpose? Does Everyone Have it?

Come on!!! I am better than this!!!

Ever been in a situation where you are totally dissatisfied with what life is giving you? I have been in such situations very many times in the few decades that I have been alive. Even when I am not necessarily going through a tough situation in my life, I have always come to that place of ‘holy discontentment’ where I know that I know that I know that where I am doing what I am doing is not the best way that my life was intended to be lived. I have heard myself tell myself that “I am much better than this”, and no, not just in terms of status in life, but also in terms of essence!

What comes first?

Let’s face it. Purpose speaks of priority…perpetual priority whether being pursued actively or passively. But the interesting thing is that life can actually be lived outside of purpose! In fact over and over again throughout generations and centuries, there are untold millions of people who have lived over 70 years outside of what their life purpose was!! Imagine living 70 years doing what you were never meant to do?

“Before a life is determined, it’s purpose is set first! Then, the life is crafted, fitting it with the special gifts, attitudes, talents, spirit, heart and unique personality in order to function “on purpose”.  

Lawrence Namale

Speaking of essence and status, what comes first? Rather, which one should come first? I believe with all of my heart that Life Purpose is older than Life itself. I believe that before a life is determined, it’s purpose is set first! Then, the life is crafted, fitting it with the special gifts, attitudes, talents, spirit, heart and unique personality in order to function “on purpose”.

But Still…

I see that it is possible to live life outside of the ‘original intention’. The question however is this: Is it that a life worth living? Really important question. You see, the answer to that question is as unique as each life purpose is to every soul every born of a woman. Unfortunately, the real answer devoid of the ego and prejudice comes at the end of life itself. You weigh all your ‘accomplishments’ you have accumulated in life. Are you happy about them? Are there any regrets? Only you can know.


Can we know today…right now that we are off the path of purpose? Yes we can. It makes no difference whether we are going through a tough situation or not, if we are not aligned to our life purpose we will definitely know. That’s why a drunkard will feel some remorse after getting sober…or a leader will feel a sense of failure after an activity in an organization….

The thing is that we all have that signal in our hearts that tells us that we are off. Believer, agnostic, atheist…all of us! Now, we can either decide to change course, or at least ask for direction, or we can decide to keep going off course altogether.

Does everyone have a purpose in life?

Yes, and Yes. Otherwise, there is no point of living. Life is not a task of survival to pay bills…life, each one of it, was meant to contribute positively in society.

So what is life Purpose?

Life purpose is a journey of dedicating one’s life to a cause greater than ourselves, a journey that starts with aligning ourselves to live to the utmost our our original intent by the divine.

So you can see, life is not our own…but we are responsible for it. Intended. Privileged. Responsible.

Fulfillment in life comes at the time of aligning ourselves to our highest intended function. No doubt.