6 Reasons For Disillusionment While On Purpose – Part 1

Why There’s Disillusionment Even in Purpose Pursuit
May 3, 2022
6 Reasons For Disillusionment While On Purpose Pursuit – Part 2
May 12, 2022

6 Reasons For Disillusionment While On Purpose – Part 1

To be disillusioned is to realize that what you had hoped for is not available at all or yet. You get married and wish for bliss. Initially, there is a promise for all the bliss the world can offer. Then, somehow, disillusionment sets in. Does it mean the marriage was wrong? I will let you answer that.

We have already learnt that for the most part, we face disillusionment because we had hope and a promise initially. Nobody pursues their purpose knowing full well that it will result in disillusionment.

Seeking Certainty

In fact, many people do not pursue purpose primarily because it has a heavy trait of uncertainty. They know that disillusionment can be part of what they will reap for that decision, and so even if they are gifted, talented and called, they would rather not venture into purpose.

Let me ease your fears by telling you that whether you are on purpose or not, you will at one moment in your life or another be encumbered by disillusionment. It is, therefore, folly, to try and tiptoe through life evading it.


“Whether you are on purpose or not, you will at one moment in your life or another be encumbered by disillusionment. It is, therefore, folly, to try and tiptoe through life evading it.”

— Lawrence Namale

Dealing With Disillusionment

We go through it because we are living in a dark fallen world. We go through it because we are human beings and cannot decipher all there is about life, especially the blindsides of disillusionment. The way to go is therefore to anticipate it and know how to deal with disillusionment when it comes our way.

The first way of dealing with disillusionment is to at least understand what causes it and therefore we get the perspective of how to deal with it appropriately. There are several reasons why we would be disillusioned in the first place. Today, let us look at only one; we shall deal with the rest in the succeeding articles.

1. Maybe We have not Matured

What’s the opposite of being disillusioned? It is to be encouraged, motivated, inspired and stirred. Whereas disillusionment might signal the end of your pursuit or may slow it down, encouragement infuses energy and builds your momentum (which we shall talk about later).


When you get started, you are passionate about your purpose pursuit. You are excited about it. You are encouraged, inspired, and enthused by it. However, a few weeks or months or even years down the road, you get disillusioned about it.

One of the major reasons why that is so is that you have not matured well enough to continue deploying that purpose or even to start enjoying the fruits of your labour. You might have identified your purpose but you are not seeing the results of your pursuit because you are not mature.

It Takes Time

At the onset of our purpose pursuits, perhaps you can never fault us for being passionate. What lacks will always be knowledge, insight, growth, and development. It takes time to grow in stature. Jesus had to take thirty years to grow and dispense his purpose. Imagine him at twenty-five feeling low about nothing happening to his calling?

You are feeling disillusionment because not enough time has passed for you to be mature enough to reap the benefits of your purpose pursuit. The time can also depend on you. How consistent you are and what intervals there are between the actions that you take. The smaller the intervals, the faster you get there.


“You are feeling disillusionment because not enough time has passed for you to be mature enough to reap the benefits of your purpose pursuit.”

— Lawrence Namale


Apart from time elapsing for the maturity of your purpose, you also need to be aware of the timing of the maturity of your purpose. Timing, though, is dependent on the time you have taken in your pursuit.

At times, disillusionment causes people to give up just before the opportune time of maturity. The circumstances that you are facing, in reality, might be valid enough for you to quit. Before YouTube, there was a startup that offered the same service. They had disillusionment because of results did not happen as fast as they would have wished.


A year later, broadband technology became available and allowed the streaming of videos online. YouTube launched and the rest is history.

Perhaps one of the best pieces of information we might get in life has to deal with the timing of the maturity of our pursuits. The problem is that we might never really know when our purpose pursuit will mature.

Have you grown?

Invariably, when disillusionment sets in, we are easily prone to impatience. If you are going to give up on the path that you are on, you need to ask yourself questions related to your maturity.

  • Have you grown in stature that you are well able to handle your tasks?
  • Are you giving up because you don’t have the capacity in terms of skills?
  • If you recognized that you need to expand in capacity to mature, how much time can you give yourself to achieve that?
  • Do you think that if you were mature enough, things would be different compared to how they are right now?

Don’t Quit if you Haven’t Grown

Chances are that if you sorted issues related to your maturity, the disillusionment you are feeling will have been dealt with. The worst to do is to quit on your path instead of working on yourself with patience.

If your disillusionment has nothing to do with your growth and maturity, then read on in the next article to find out what it could be about.

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