M ike Tyson will be fighting again. I am so sure that the event will be a spectacle. One of the reasons why that will be so is because both Mike Tyson and Roy Jones Jnr will be doing a comeback.
Listening to Mike Tyson talk to Joe Rogan on his podcast, I got to reflect on several things that we can apply in our own lives. First off, when a champion talks, you listen. When people who have results start talking, those of us who wish to have some results at least to the extent that the champion has sit still to learn.
when a champion talks, you listen. When people who have results start talking, those of us who wish to have some results at least to the extent that the champion has sit still to learn.
I came up with 19 life nuggets from the interview Mike Tyson did with Joe Rogan. In the previous article we looked at the first three.
#Nugget 1. Internal Fear Can Be Unfounded
#Nugget 2: Appreciate the Power of Starting Small
#Nugget 3: The Importance of Your People
Tyson retired from Boxing in an acrimonious way back in 2005 shortly after declaring bankruptcy. He had earned over 400 million in his career by that time. Such an outcome did something in his mind. He developed a “conditioning” that told him that he will never fight again.
At times in life, there are these inner vows that we make especially after experiencing a setback. These vows potentially lock us out of the best that could come out of our lives if we chose to be resilient. The circumstances that lead us to make those vows could be legitimate enough, but still, they don’t spell doom.
A Setback can lead you to make an inner vow that ultimately nails your misery forever…
At times in life, there are these inner vows that we make especially after experiencing a setback. These vows potentially lock us out of the best that could come out of our lives if we chose to be resilient.
When he started working out in March 2020 ostensibly to lose weight, someone playfully asked him if he could fight a particular person for a sum of money (40 Million US). Tyson’s conditioning was so in place that he dismissed that suggestion offhand.
Then something happened at the self-same time. He became alert to the fact that he could yet fight. Right then and there, Tyson made the decision. Phone calls started being made left right and centre. That decision galvanized him and gave him a new focus. That’s why we have a date: November 28th 2020.
In life, our conditioning that either came due to trauma or just adhering to status quo can keep us from many things that we could (keyword) accomplish.
Think about it:
The list is endless. Think of all the things that are possibilities that you have locked away by your conditioning of “No”, it will never happen, or “No”, it is impossible or “No”, I won’t do it!
At the right moment that possibility is presented to us, all odds notwithstanding, let us be alert enough to realize that we are only a decision away from a revolution or a comeback. What we have long since concluded and buried in the grave of our conditioning could well be resurrected if we are keen enough.
What we have long since concluded and buried in the grave of our conditioning could well be resurrected if we are keen enough.
Think of all the things that are a possibility to you even if you have locked them out of your mind already
As already explained initially, Mike Tyson had no idea in February 2020 that he would be fighting in November 2020. The trouble at hand was his weight. Then he was advised to work out just for 15 minutes by his wife. That became 2 hours a day. In those throes, someone asked him to fight.
You see, you cannot control everything in life. There are two major forces we live with even if we are unaware. First, there is the pushing force. This is the action that we take, especially if that action is inspired. We are totally in control of that. It is always in our docket.
That pushing force is powerful when activated. The fact that we are in total control of it means that we can as well ignore it. That’s why some people with potential end up not doing a thing about it. The force is always in their hands, and only a decision away.
The other force of life is the pull. Oh! What a force! This is when the universe recognizes your “Push” and responds in ways that you cannot even begin to imagine. Before you initiate, everything is in a lull. But once you take action, a tapestry of conniving “pull forces” by the universe rush to your aid.
Before you initiate, everything is in a lull. But once you take action, a tapestry of conniving “pull forces” by the universe rush to your aid.
Don’t stand in the way of the “pull forces” because of your conditioning. Allow the flow to take you to places you did not even believe you could get, even those places that you vowed never to go.
It is instructive to note what Mike Tyson says about the aftermath of his fight with Roy Jones Jnr later on.
“After fighting Roy, it’s going to be the beginning. What happens after that happens”
That’s the spirit of allowing the collaborating forces of life to work for you. There is always going to be a synergy between those two forces. The pull force is powerful, but at the same time, it is also very useless if you do not push.
To be continued…