E very waking day we have mostly two prospects in life. We win, or we lose. The gray area of waiting for a result is perhaps the most stressful and stretching moment. It is so stressful because of one thing: we cannot fathom to go through a loss.
At the time of writing this, millions of people the world over are stressed over the prospects of the results of the Presidential Elections in the United States. Prior to this event, many media outlets projected a Joe Biden outright win.
Initial results showed a clear breakout lead by Biden. The fact is that it is not just the media that has a stake in the results. Individuals do too. The thing at stake is several value systems that are on the ballot.
When you talk about values, you are talking about matters related to the heart. That’s where passion is found. That’s where the compass of life is found for individuals. Lives can easily come to a standstill when matters of the heart are being decided.
It is obviously stressful to sit out and wait for your values to be put on trial. On one hand, you cannot fathom seeing those values trampled upon and your candidate loses. On the other hand you get excited to see your values being validated by a win. The moment of waiting is the most stressful, especially when it is too close to call.
Image Courtesy Fox News: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/trump-biden-election-john-yoo
I see this happen not just with the elections, but also in sports, in interviews, and in any place in life where there is a competition. I tend to think that competitions are nothing but our values on trial, at least for the most part. If it is not our values, then it is our ability and our hard work or lack of it thereof.
I tend to think that competitions are nothing but our values on trial, at least for the most part. If it is not our values, then it is our ability and our hard work or lack of it thereof.
At the end of the day, I love to put all these things in the perspective of an individual. I have a favourite candidate that I want to win, and that is down to my values. I am sure it is the same with any other person out there. But the question is: what is in my control at the moment?
I can be afraid of the outcome of a loss because of two things: First, I cannot fathom my friends and loved ones gloating over me because of my loss. Second, I cannot fathom living for a season of time with the fact that my values lost.
When all is said and done, one winner will always be declared in such matters. I have seen how critical this moment is in terms of stress levels that the losing block has to go through. It is heart wrenching to lose.
At the same time, it is so relieving for those who support the winner. The stress lifts and then joy sets in. Spare a moment though as you celebrate for the people who have lost. They are stressed. They are gutted. They have lost. Their values have been trampled.
Spare a moment though as you celebrate for the people who have lost. They are stressed. They are gutted. They have lost. Their values have been trampled.
As you get out to celebrate, have that in mind. The following are some of the things that we need to look out for at the stressful period of electioneering.
It could be that you would lose. That’s just a possibility. I normally talk about looking at the Worst Case Scenario, something that I have called WCS. It is a possibility and that’s a fact, that your values might be trampled, and the person you backed to win would lose.
You might not have control over how you feel supposing your candidate lost. It is a mental torture. It is an uncomfortable feeling. It is sad and gloomy. It is obviously not business as usual. You cannot deny what you feel. Learn to accept it. Learn to voice your feelings to someone.
Learn to air out your disappointment.
Winning elicits great feelings of joy and happiness. It is like a bird that was caged being set free to roam and fly in the wild. There is no feeling like it whatsoever. It is allowed that you should celebrate. Your values have been validated.
However, here is where the rubber meets the road. It is so easy to look at your vanquished competitor and gloat over them. Remember, these guys are suffering big time. Think about the feeling you had when it was apparent that you could lose. Multiply that feeling ten times over. It is not funny.
That is why you need to reach out to those that are suffering and listen to them. Talk to them and comfort them. By all means, refrain from gloating over them.
That is why you need to reach out to those that are suffering and listen to them. Talk to them and comfort them. By all means, refrain from gloating over them.
Allow some time to elapse for things to calm down before you take any action, whether win or lose. If you are winning, refer to point 3 up there. If you are losing this is where it is critical. I think you need to take some time off and notice that your life is not coming to an end. This is sad and bad, but it is not the end of the world.
I believe that the most important thing you can do at this hour is to make a decision concerning your life. Make a tough decision to rise up and take control of your life. No matter who won, they might not directly affect the economy in your house.
I believe that the most important thing you can do at this hour is to make a decision concerning your life. Make a tough decision to rise up and take control of your life.
They might not affect your mentality, spirituality and physical health. They might not affect your relationship and your business in a big way directly. That control is yours. That is where your focus ought to be. Swallow the defeat, but make a decision for your life to be in control of what you can control.
All the best.