7 Valuable ways to Unearth Potential [Part 6]

7 Valuable Ways to Unearth Potential [Part 5]
December 22, 2015
7 Valuable Ways to Unearth Potential [Part 7]
December 27, 2015

7 Valuable ways to Unearth Potential [Part 6]

“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who had practiced one kick 10,000 times.”

― Bruce Lee

Lest we forget, let’s remind ourselves what the Life Signatures definition of potential is:

“Potential is a unique pre-set field of boundless possibilities that the Creator incorporated at inception, in the life of each individual born of a woman”.

Life Signatures

The fact that we have possibilities that are boundless within us can be of both detriment and benefit to us. Of course by now you have read about my gift in speaking and writing…and how boundless possibilities are available for me in just those two areas.

Yet those are not the only areas that I am interested in. Truth be told, we are gifted in more than just one field. Of course we have dominant gifts and not so dominant ones. Another thing we need to note is that as we grow up, we pick up interests in several areas. One reason is because we have a hero or a mentor there. Another is because the environment we are exposed to gravitates us towards it. Yet another reason could be a genuine passion locked up within us that propels us.

Several Human ‘Intelligences’

About our innate giftings, I have listened to a very powerful Brian Tracy Audio where he suggests that there are several ‘intelligences’ that the human being has. He says that throughout the School System, a child is tested only on the verbal and mathematical intelligence. This is according to Harold Gardner of Harvard. The following are the ‘intelligences’ that the human mind has:

  1. Verbal Intelligence: the ability to speak, the command of language. This intelligence is closely associated with fields that involve communication with other people.
  2. Mathematical Intelligence: The ability to use numbers skillfully to add, subtract, multiply and so on. It is the ability to read financial statements and develop financial ratios. It is the ability to develop proforma statements, and analyze them.
  3. Physical Intelligence: This is the ability enjoyed by top athletes who are gifted in timing and co-ordination in the use of their bodies.
  4. Musical Intelligence: Ability to create and express music that is in exceptional range.
  5. Visual and Spatial Intelligence: Ability to generate shapes, forms and patterns. The capacity to visualize architectural designs.
  6. Inter-Personal Intelligence: One of the highest paid forms of intelligence in the world. Ability to communicate, negotiate, influence and persuade other people. It consists of high degree of thoughts, moods and feelings of others, and the ability to get things done with them or through them. This is where politicians, sales people, managers and leaders in general fall.

Before we continue, let’s take a recap.

How to Unearth Potential

1. Get Revelation on the Potential Principle:

2.Take the Path of Most Resistance:

3. Lean onto Natural Gifts and Talents:

4. Live on the Edge:

5. Leverage on the Power of Focus

I remember while growing up, all I wanted to be was a Lawyer. That was in High School. I never got the grades to back that dream up. Then, I had this insatiable desire to become a Journalist. I had all the grades to usher me in to that field, but the government college of Journalism deemed me overqualified. I was not admitted.


Third Choice Got me here!!

So I ended up taking a course in Management Information Systems. I literally immersed myself into it and I can say that I am where I am because of that route of Management Information Systems. Why am I telling all these stories? You will realize that I could have been a Lawyer, a Journalist and any other thing that I was interested in.I turned out right after all!

“My point here however is that one of the reasons as to why we do not have our potential unearthed is because we are helter skelter. We are all over the place”.

Lawrence Namale

Let me add one story here though: My parents wanted me to go to medical school…I rebelled. I did not have the guts to work in hospital.

My point here however is that one of the reasons as to why we do not have our potential unearthed is because we are helter skelter. We are all over the place. We try this, try that (which is OK, but we cannot do that for a life time!). We never unearth our potential because we are not finishers. We are great starters but never good finishers.

The Power of Focus

Let me say this: That if you are interested in something, and you have some capacity (read intelligence) to do it, step out and do it. Focus on that at least for five years. Do nothing else, or if at least you are doing other things, make sure that your daily focus is unbroken in whatever field that you have selected.

“That is all I need. Massive action in one area of focus is what is going to unearth my potential in that particular area. Here is the key: You are not gifted in just one area.”

Lawrence Namale

  • I could be a great writer if I gave it focus.
  • I could be a great keynote speaker if I gave it focus.
  • I could be a great coach if I gave it focus.

That is all I need. Massive action in one area of focus is what is going to unearth my potential in that particular area. Here is the key: You are not gifted in just one area. The truth of the matter is that you have talents in at least three areas. You also have passion and interest in them, plus others. Therefore, pick whatever your heart is given to at the moment, draw the line in the sand and go for it.

What causes people not to unearth potential is this relentless search for the “one thing” that God called them to do. Start by being focused on something now, anything within your field of passion. Let it grow from there.